Personal Data Protection
Personal Data Protection Act
The Personal Data Protection Department (JPDP) is an agency under the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (KKMM) which was established on 16 May 2011 after Parliament passed a Bill related to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (APDP) which is Act 709.
The main responsibility of this Department is to regulate the processing of personal data of individuals involved in commercial transactions by Data Users so that it is not misused and misused by interested parties.
The security of users’ personal data must be protected to prevent any form of misuse of the storage or processing of personal data of individuals, public and private in Malaysia through commercial transactions is enshrined under this APDP.
In enforcing the APDP, the JPDP has required all Personal Data Users, both individuals and the private sector, except the Government, to be officially registered for the purpose of protecting the rights of consumers and the public.
JPDP is headed by the Director General assisted by a Deputy Director General. Meanwhile, there are three main divisions in JPDP, namely the Registration and Operations Division, the Monitoring Division and the Legal Division.
Please go to this site for further information.